Can I make a folder structure for FF bookmarks outside of firefox?
I want to make about 100 bookmark folders for firefox bookmarks. Is there some way I can create the list in a word processing doc or spreadsheet and then import it into FF? It is a little time consuming in FF to make so many folders.
Svi odgovori (5)
You can import Bookmarks from an HTML File. If you export your bookmarks to HTML you can see the structure to work with, but it can be pared down quite a bit:
<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1> <H1>Bookmarks Menu</H1> <DL> <DT><A HREF="http://www.yahoo.com">Link in main Bookmarks menu</A> </DL> <DT><H3>SubFolder 1</H3> <DT><H3>SubFolder 2</H3> <DT><H3>SubFolder 3</H3> <DL> <DT><A HREF="http://www.yahoo.com">Link in Subfolder 3</A> </DL> <DT><H3>SubFolder 4</H3>
additional information:
Firefox stores bookmarks in a single Sqlite file - places.sqlite; and HTML is a "transactional" file type in Firefox (used for importing and exporting bookmarks in a "common" format).
Thank you! If I make it in a spreadsheet and export it to html, do I just add that coding to the front end of it? and how do I specify sub-sub folders? and sub-sub-sub folders? i.e. folders within folders within folders?
I'm not sure exactly how the HTML would come out of a spreadsheet application, so your mileage may vary there.
The forum has sadly stripped the indentation out, which would make it easier to read how folders relate, so I've placed a further example with indentation and sub-sub-folders on PasteBin. Hopefully this clarifies how to create your own: http://pastebin.com/Gv8BBSgD
A possibility is to use JavaScript in Firefox to create the main structure and edit that file.
Run the script as a bookmark or in the Scratchpad with an about:blank page in the current tab.
var head = '<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>'; var meta = '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">'; var title = '<TITLE>Bookmarks</TITLE>'; var menu = '<H1>Bookmarks Menu</H1>'; var dls = '<DL>'; var dle = '</DL>'; var folder = '<DT><H3>Folder #</H3>'; var link = '<DT><A HREF="http://">Link #1 in Folder #2</A>'; var text = []; var maxF = 100; var maxL = 1; text.push(head); text.push(meta); text.push(title); text.push(""); text.push(menu); text.push(dls); text.push(""); for(var i=0; i<maxF; i++){ text.push(folder.replace(/#/, i+1)); text.push(dls); for(var j=0; j<maxL; j++){ text.push(link.replace(/#1/, j+1).replace(/#2/, i+1)); } text.push(dle); text.push(""); } text.push(dle); text=text.join("\n"); var URI="data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"; location.href = URI + text;