Thunderbird wants me to create a new account
Hi Everybody,
Help! I'm running Thunderbird 91.7.0 on a Win 7 computer. About four days ago when T'bird opened it asked me to set up a new account. I'm a geezer, not a techie and this is a serious problem for me. From what I've read it seems that T'bird doesn't know where to find the profile (?) it needs. I've managed to find where the profiles are, but I can't figure out how to re-create my old T'bird using them. Can anyone help me? I'd really appreciate any help you can give. Thanks.
Bob the Geezer
PS I've been using Thunderbird for 15 years or so and have never had a problem with it. it's great to use and I'm crippled with out it!
Wšě wotmołwy (8)
Hello again, I've got all the address books sorted out, but I'm not sure what the missing one is. Please tell me how you'd like to proceed. Thanks. Bob
As you are guessing what that missing address Book name could be suggest you do the following to get it back with any reasonably suitable name as follows: In Address Book
- Create a new address book with a suitable name which is not already used in another address book. Let's pretend it is called 'Business'.
- Menu app icon > Help > More Troubleshooting Information
- Under 'Application Basics' - click on 'Open Folder'
New window opens showing contents of 'profile name' folder
- Exit Thunderbird now.
- Locate the 'prefs.js' file and open it using Notepad.
- Scroll down to the 'user_pref("ldap_2.servers' section.
As we are using 'Business' as the example address book name - Look for the 'description' line which says 'Business'. It should look like the line below.
- user_pref("ldap_2.servers.Business.description", "Business");
There will be a few more lines all to do with 'Business'. You need to locate the line which is about 'filename'
- user_pref("ldap_2.servers.Business.dirType", 101);
- user_pref("ldap_2.servers.Business.filename", "abook-8.sqlite");
- user_pref("ldap_2.servers.Business.uid", "15ce48a2-e4ec-4dce-ba77-d3f9553129f5");
Make a note of the 'abook-n.sqlite' - you need to know the 'n' number. In the example above it is 'abook-8.sqlite'. I'm guessing that it might be '8' or '9' in your case as you had 8 original address books and we are talking about the last one, but it will be the highest number as it was the last address book created.
Close 'prefs.js' - you are not changing anything.
Now look for that filename "abook-n.sqlite" file where 'n' was the correct number - as I said it is probably the highest number. Rename the '"abook-n.sqlite"' to say "abook-n.sqlite.bak" You are now going to replace that sqlite file with the one in the 'TB-Backup-AB' which did not have a .mab file.
In 'TB-Backup-AB' folder - locate the 'abook-3.sqlite' file - it was the one which did not have an equivalent abook-3.mab file. You may find you rename this file because another may exist with same number. If that is the case, then Copy the 'abook-3.sqlite' to desktop and then rename it as 'abook-n.sqlite' where the 'n' is now the same number as you noted previously as 'filename'.
Then copy that renamed 'abook-n.sqlite' file Paste it into the 'profile name' folder. It should have the same 'n' number as the "abook-n.sqlite.bak" file.
Start Thunderbird Check the address book called 'Business'.
Wot Toad-Hall
Hello, Thanks for your instructions. I had some success. I was able to follow your instructions to the point at which you say, "Close 'prefs.js' - you are not changing anything."
After that I was not able to understand what to do. I was able to locate "abook-n.sqlite" and rename it "abook-n.sqlite.bak", but I am not sure what to do next. The "abook-3.sqlite" file is not in the TB-Backup-AB folder on my desktop.
Thanks. Bob
Previously, I had asked you to do this: Please move all of the following into the 'TB-Backup-AB' folder you created. All the 'abook-n' files - where 'n' is a number -so any abook file that has an additional number
So I presumed you had moved all the abook-n files, which would have included abook-3.sqlite.
I therefore need some info to see where we are at the moment and to try and locate that missing file as it seems you did not move it into 'TB-Backup-AB' folder.
1. What was the name of the additional address book you created?
2. Now to see what corresponds in the 'profile name' folder:
- Menu app icon > Help > More Troubleshooting Information
- Under 'Application Basics' - click on 'Open Folder'
New window opens showing contents of 'profile name' folder
- Exit Thunderbird now.
- Post image(s) which shows all the 'abook' references
3 We need to check the 'prefs.js' file again to see what has been created.
- Locate the 'prefs.js' file and open it using Notepad.
- Scroll down to the 'user_pref("ldap_2.servers' section.
- Please post image showing all the ldap info.
Thank you for your reply.
When I moved files to the "TB-Backup-AB" folder, I only moved the files "abook-n.mab.bak" where n = 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (note that there was no -3 to move), and "impab.mab.bak". Those eight files are in the 'TB-Backup-AB" folder now. I also created another folder "TB-Backup-AB Edited" with the same eight folders with the ".bak" removed.
The additional address book I created is called "Basic"
I've attached the info you requested. Thanks.
The prefs.js tells us the 'Basic' address book has been given the number 'abook-17.sqlite'
But now you need the info as per '2' which is all the abook references in the 'profile name' folder. 2. Now to see what corresponds in the 'profile name' folder:
- Menu app icon > Help > More Troubleshooting Information
- Under 'Application Basics' - click on 'Open Folder'
New window opens showing contents of 'profile name' folder
- Exit Thunderbird now - this is important.
I believe the 'abook-3.sqlite' is in that folder because you did not move it. This is the original address book.
- Please get a copy of it and put it into the "TB-Backup-AB" folder - just in case - as it hopefully has all the contacts.
Back in the 'profile name' folder.... You will see a file called 'abook-17.sqlite' - it is the new empty address book.
We need to force Thunderbird to use the 'abook-3.sqlite' file by renaming it - but first we need to stop the current 'abook-17.sqlite' file, so we can use that number.
- Rename 'abook-17.sqlite' as 'abook-17.sqlite.bak' - just add .bak to the name.
- Now rename 'abook-3.sqlite' as 'abook-17.sqlite' - so just changing the number from 3 to 17
Then start Thunderbird.
check the 'Basic' address book.
Hello Toad-Hall,
Well, I was able to restore my last AB. Thank you so much. I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for your patient assistance in restoring my TB over the past six weeks! I wish there were some way to adequately say "Thank you." The best I can do is to make a donation to Mozilla. Once again, thank you. Bob
At least we have managed to get it all sorted in the end.
A donation would be appreciated - please check you are donating to 'thunderbird' as 'mozilla' is not the same. In Thunderbird Menu app icon > Help > Make a donation
Take care.