allegati thunderbid
buongiorno, volevo sapere se quando mi arriva un email con 1 o piu' allegati è possibile rispondere mantenendo sempre gli allegati, come ad esempio succede quando si fa inoltra e gli allegati rimangono. c'è un opzione da attivare o non è proprio disponibile questa funzione? grazie
Good morning, I wanted to know if when I receive an email with 1 or more attachments it is possible to reply while always keeping the attachments, as happens for example when you forward it and the attachments remain. Is there an option to activate or is this function not really available? Thank you
Wšě wotmołwy (2)
Well, you could click redirect and reenter the recipient's email id, or click 'edit as new' and do the same. Otherwise, I don't have any ideas, because you are wanting to send the same attachment back to the individual that sent it to you.
I'm not aware of a way to do this permanently, but a simple workaround exists: open the reply in a new window, without the attachments, then return to the original message, select the attachments in the attachment pane, drag them onto the taskbar to bring the reply window in focus, and drop them onto the reply as you would any other attachment.