Bing Home Page displays Animated Pictures (video loops) only in Chrome, but not in Firefox.
The Bing Home Page often displays an image with an animated picture -- i.e., an image that contains a short video loop. If I view the Bing Home Page in Chrome, I'll see the video loop play the way it's supposed to. But if I go to the same URL in Firefox, I just see a static picture -- with no video loop. Also, the image that's displayed in Firefox will appear to be a slightly different view of the image than what's displayed in Chrome.
I'm using the current version of Firefox (v39.0); and I've had this problem now on 3 different computers running 3 different O/S versions -- Win XP (32-bit), Vista (32-bit), and Win 7 Pro (64-bit). All three computers and O/S'es have the same problem.
Note that I've already checked the Bing Settings page; and I made sure that the "Videos and panoramas" option is set to "Play automatically". So I know that the settings for Bing is correct. I've also tried running Firefox in Safe Mode, as well as doing a Refresh Firefox; but the problem still remains.
Does anyone have an idea why Firefox isn't playing these video loops, while Chrome displays them properly?
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When I visit the page in Chrome and Firefox, the background section of the page is different in the HTML itself.
<div id="bgDiv" style="width: 1187px; height: 668px; top: -34.5px; left: 0px;"> <div id="hp_vidwrp"></div> <video id="vid" muted="" onended="VM.play();" loop="" autobuffer="" preload="auto" oncontextmenu="return false" data-tag="" style="width: 1187px; height: 668px; top: -34.5px; left: 0px; opacity: 1; visibility: visible;" src="//az29176.vo.msecnd.net/videocontent/UK_Gateshead_ShutterstockRF_6899947_1080_HD_EN-US.mp4"></video> </div>
<div id="bgDiv" style="width: 1347px; height: 758px; top: -79.5px; left: 0px;"></div>
In other words, it appeared that Bing was giving Chrome users the video, but not Firefox users.
Could it be some gap in capability of Firefox? As a test, I used the ua-site-switch extension to lie to Bing and identify Firefox as Chrome. Boom. Video. (See large screen shot attached)
So this is either is a bug in the script on the Bing server, or intentional discrimination. No idea which.