Why can't I load more than one email recipient in my messages
When I send an email and bring up my contacts by enter a letter - it only allows me to add one contact. If I try to add another - example: jone@gmail.com and then try to add (sic) smith@hotmail.com - it turns red and will not go through.
Is there a key or button I should press to enable me to load more than one of my saved contacts - cannot add them manually either.
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Enter each contact in their own address field. Press enter after each entry to get a new address field. You can press F9 to turn on the Contact Sidebar. Select all the contacts for the message and use one of the Add To buttons at the bottom.
Thanks airmail - I was using the contact bar but I get an additional "To" line with each contact and ultimately lose some
Is there any way to import say 5 or 6 contacts on a single "To" line?
You don't lose them. They just scroll up. Is there not a scroll bar that appears?
Guessing I am used to "Outlook"....seems a convoluted way to add recipients. Using it with "enter" and getting multiple "To" lines and sometimes unwanted groups. Conversely, I may be using the scroll bar wrong...or I am truly a "Dinosaur"?
Thanks for your help.....am not a techie and frustrated
The reason you have one per TO field is to make it very simple to locate any particular email address and remove it.
If you are used to using the Contacts Sidebar and want to add eg: 6 people. Select the appropriate address book. Hold down 'Ctrl' key and using mouse, click on each contact you want to receive the email. Click on 'Addto TO' button.
All select contacts will be added automatically.
If there are more lines than can be displayed, there will be a scroll bar on the right side of the TO fields. Alternatively, hover mouse over the line that separates the Formatting Bar from the Content area, it will change to a double headed arrow. Left click on that line and hold down to grab the line and drag downwards to display more TO fields.
Dear Toad Hall
Thank you for your time and attention--but there is no line separating Format bar...I have clicked and hovered over everything.
As it now stands, if I want to send an email to 6 people - I have to send two emails with three addressees each (all I can accomplish by hitting enter and getting three maximum "To" lines. If I try to send an email with a saved group address it comes back undeliverable.
As I paid someone to install this for me - as well as my new printer which he installed incorrectly and had to re-do myself - I am beginning to think that there is something missing in this email setup - I've hovered and clicked to no avail Help! key
Okay.....playing with this -- click on view...go under contacts and you can add--it will look like they're disappearing - but if you scroll to the right arrows on the right side of the "To" bar you scroll and proof that it has included all your addressees---thank you -- had to process in my own "language"
re: but there is no line separating Format bar...I have clicked and hovered over everything.
This must be due to your technique. So I'll try to describe my actions again.
Open a New Write message. My mouse pointer looks like an outlined arrow when ever I hover over anything in the left Contact Sidebar. But when I move the mouse over the content area where you type the actual email, the cursor changes to what looks like a capital 'I' to indicate I'm hovering over a text input box space. As I slowly move the mouse cursor upwards, it will cross the line at the bottom of the 'Formatting Bar' and changes to a double-headed arrow. If I continue upwards, so I'm now over the actual Formatting Bar, it changes back to an outlined arrow so allowing me to select any of the formatting Bar button/icons, but now I've gone too far up. Slowly go back down and as I cross that dividing line, I see the double-headed arrow, which only appears if you are exactly in the right place. When you see the double-headed arrow, that is when you left click and grab and drag.