How to change the vertical order of toolbars
This question has been asked several times, and I've tried all of the answers I've seen. They have one thing in common: they don't work. At least, not any more in FF14 (Win7 x64). I've tried editing extensions.ini: If it works at all, it doesn't work after re-start (so something must be re-setting it). userChrome.css has no effect whatsoever. None of the 'drag and drop' extensions work in FF14. Can anyone offer a real solution that actually works, please ?
I'm aware one can customise individual toolbars by right clicking and selecting 'Customize', but that's not what I want to do. I want to move entire toolbars vertically.
My particular need is to make the Web Developer toolbar appear BELOW the Google toolbar. (Yes, I know the Google Toolbar is obsolete, but I know of nothing to replace it, so I keep it going).
Összes válasz (2)
Thanks for your reply. I had followed your instructions in the post you mention. I got the list of settings that you describe, and created a file 'userChrome.css'. The path is: '../Profiles/ieq6dve1.default/chrome/userChrome.css'. Here's the content:
/* Do not remove the namespace line, it is required for correct functioning
- /
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); webdeveloper-toolbar { -moz-box-ordinal-group: 100 !important; }
(If there are any typos above it's more likely because I've had to copy manually from the new computer to this one).
Maybe putting '100' was over-doing it, and I should have used '51', but I wanted to ensure that no future toolbar would get below 'Web Developer'. There are currently no other profiles.
Having posted this I see that my end of comment '*/' has shown up with a small circle instead of the star. That's some quirk in the forum editor, not an error by me.
Tim Dawson
Módosította: ramasaig,