Why is it that when I delete a message in my inbox another message is sometimes deleted too?
Sometimes the message directly above or below the massage I have deleted is deleted too.
All Replies (4)
Stuck key? Does it happen if you delete using mouse or menus instead of keyboard delete key?
Does it happen if you start Thunderbird in safe mode?
Usually a bad mouse. Do you have a spare to try?
I'm using a mouse to delete. Haven't tried safemode. I can't say that it happens often or regular enough to reliably mess up. When it happens it kind of sneaks up and it's a while before missing emails that need to be followed up on are noticed. It cleared up last time when I turned Mozilla off and restarted it. Could it be corrupt code? I redownloaded Mozilla but the problem creeps back.
It's a pretty old mouse. I'll get a new one.