Firefox zooms in and out! How do I get a page to stay 100%?
Firefox zooms in and out, but I haven't figured out what's making this happen. Hitting the open menu and doing - or + allows me to bring the page back to 100%, but this does not stick. I would like it to stay at 100%. Happens anywhere and everywhere. I am able to do other things like making and using bookmarks. Using a new out of the box Lenovo ideapad 320 laptop with one of those all-flat controls, Windows 10, Firefox 56.0. Have already tried refreshing Firefox, but it still does this.
All Replies (8)
Thank You for having send info to Mozilla ticked as it sent me info for below:
A Mozilla experiment, called 'Shield Studies'. Without even knowing it, you may have volunteered for this Mozilla experiment. Would you go to : Options => Privacy & Security => under 'Data Collection and Use' : Did you uncheck : 'Allow Firefox to install and run studies ' or is it checked ?
To check if you are enrolled in these studies : Type in the address bar about:studies
Any extensions that you see listed there, you can either disable or remove, just like this Safe Browsing version 4 (at the end of the experiment they will be disabled anyway). See for further information : https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/shield
Please update your Video Card Drivers as they are from : 4-2-2017 You can do that within the Catalyst Control Panel or from https://support.amd.com/en-us/download
Ok, well am hoping that new drivers will be the cure but I doubt it.
It shows here you are running Firefox version 56.0.2 which is current. You can always find this info from Firefox Tool Bar then Help --> About It will also update from there.
I would like to you to see if the 2 above solutions fix the issue.
If it does not please uninstall Firefox and then Reinstall it from here https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/ using the Full Version Installer That should fix it. But do do graphics card drivers and delete and untick from Studies.
Note : Firefox 57 Quantum release date Nov 14th https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/quantum/ Note : Legacy Extensions will be disabled and or removed.
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
One way to zoom a page is to hold down the Ctrl button and roll the mouse wheel or slide your finger along the scroll zone (typically the right edge) of the touchpad. It should not happen randomly unless the Ctrl key is held down, but sometimes stuff happens.
Can you associate the problem with the mouse scroll wheel or touchpad?
Also, as a footnote, when a page is zoomed, a little oval with a percentage should appear in the address bar toward the right end. It works as a reset button: if you click it, the zoom level returns to 100%. Hopefully that will save time going into the menu until this is sorted out.
Thank you for the information about the video card drivers. I'd be interested to see if that works. Unfortunately I have no idea how to find out what drivers I need. Not seeing a lot of the information that was in "my computer" on older OS on previous computer, so I don't know exactly what's in here. I think I have dropped out of the study. Problem happens even when I am not running my finger down the scroll zone, and I don't have a mouse (yet).
Hi !
Would you give this a try :
Type in the address bar about:config (press Enter) (promise to be careful, if asked) Type and look for the preference : zoom.maxPercent and set its value to 100 Type and look for the preference : zoom.minPercent and set its value to 100
Close and restart Firefox.
'Hope that'll work for you !
Go to the URL here . Please update your Video Card Drivers as they are from : 4-2-2017 You can do that within the Catalyst Control Panel or from https://support.amd.com/en-us/download
You have a AMD Radeon R7 Graphics Card (is good stuff)
There is 2 options on the page. 1) is to download a small program so AMD can find your card info and supply the right drivers to you. 2) Other is for you to enter the info into the fields and then will get drivers.
Suggest go with option 1. I run AMD Card just below yours. I have a icon in my Task Bar for AMD Catalyst and I can over clock, set over sampling and resize and also of course update my drivers from it so if something asks if want the Catalyst Control Panel/Centre say yes.
I got the new video card drivers. They might have helped the graphics.
It turns out that the same problem with zooming also occurs in Edge. So now I am suspecting something with the OS or the touch pad, something like that. I took the computer back to the store and the guys set it up all over again (instead of leaving me to do it), which apparently got rid of Firefox which I had to download again. I may try getting a mouse. And maybe see if I can get somewhere with Lenovo. :/
Anyway, thanks everybody.
kj2008 said
I may try getting a mouse.
Totally speaking for myself, but I will get a mouse when hell freezes over and pigs can fly - wouldn't even know where to put the thing, with my (Lenovo) laptop at the edge of my desk.
And maybe see if I can get somewhere with Lenovo. :/
I never, ever got anywhere with Lenovo ..... :(