Website orgazational unit not part of Certifcate,does not supple ownership who to contact?
This has happened on a few websites, bit specifically when writing an email on my outlook. When I open the "details" of the certificate there is no Information. Next to Version,serial number etc. This is also the case with many of my certificates in my Mozilla preference's. Not all but a good amount. As far as it saying the Orgazational unit is not part of the Certificate and does not supple ownership. Some even have SHA1 fingerprints which I thought were no longer supported. Theses are Root Certificates. Ill attach some. I just dont know who to contact in regardless to this. Every time I send an email I dont have the green lock in my address bar and dont want my information to be insecure.
Thanks for y our help.
All Replies (10)
Hi Tibs22, the gray lock with the yellow-orange warning triangle generally appears when you view a message that contained embedded images whose addresses use http:// instead of https:// -- it's called mixed content.
Firefox goes ahead and shows the images anyway, because the security/privacy risk is low with embedded images. It's not zero, but it's generally acceptable to most people.
More information on this:
If you click the Reload button in the address bar (circling arrow), Firefox reloads the current folder and the icon should return to a green lock because Firefox hasn't yet retrieved any messages. Then you can compose a new message without worrying about the messages you receive from others.
Certificate Viewer
Firefox will show the organization information ONLY if the site sends an Extended Validation SSL Certificate (EVSSL). For example: https://www.paypal.com/us/home
With ordinary certificates, the stated owner information is not verified by the issuer in the process of issuing the certificate. Therefore, Firefox will say "This website does not supply ownership information." in the certificate viewer.
When using the Details tab, you need to click a field in the top section before the corresponding information will show in the bottom section. Is that working?
Hi! Thanks for responding, Sorry its taken me so long to do the same, Ive been out of town. So as far as the green lock/ Yellow triangle, I understand what youve explained. However, In this instance Im in my Outlook email, Its green lock, then I click on an email from a specific sender (always happens from this sender not others) and when the email opens I get the lock. If I reresh it takes me back to my home screen inbox. If I hot "reply" I still have the lock. Still unable to refresh to get a green lock. So not sure what that means but it seems my message being sent is unsecure.
Then when I click on the i for information and details about the certificate. , I do infact click the top specific tab to see the details of the certificate. And still get the No Ownership etc. IVe attached several screenshots from when I click in each section. "more information: "view certificate" ( general tab) and "view certificate" (details tab) This is not from the permissions section of Mozilla. this is directly from clicking the lock in the address bar.
Much Thanks
Tibs22 said
So not sure what that means but it seems my message being sent is unsecure.
What do you mean by unsecure?
Think about the entirety of what has loaded into that tab during your mail session, since the last time you reloaded the page. At some point, an image loaded in that uses an HTTP address instead of an HTTPS address. That changed the lock icon.
The insecure image might be in your reply, or it might not. Whether that problem affects your message or is somewhere else in the page is something you can investigate by checking the addresses of any embedded images.
But unless you plan to remove insecure images from your reply, it may not be possible to fix the issue. Not every site that hosts images offers HTTPS connections. You can try editing the addresses if you like, or you can choose not to worry about it.
How does this affect your message, i.e., the content of your message? Your connection with the mail site is still encrypted. What you submit is sent in a manner that is gibberish to anyone intercepting it. This is true whether you have a green lock with no mixed content, or the orange triangle lock indicating one or more insecure images.
Then when I click on the i for information and details about the certificate. , I do infact click the top specific tab to see the details of the certificate. And still get the No Ownership etc.
Yes, for the reason I mentioned before, any way you look at it, the site did not sent Firefox an EVSSL certificate, so Firefox will not trust the "owner" information in the certificate.
Is it possible that you have Microsoft Office for Mac? If you do you could just setup the Outlook Office app to connect to your Outlook online thus removing the need to go using a Browser to connect to your email?
Yes, for the reason I mentioned before, any way you look at it, the site did not sent Firefox an EVSSL certificate, so Firefox will not trust the "owner" information in the certificate. </blockquote>
I had mentioned clicking on the details section of the certificate because in your previous reply your had asked me :
When using the Details tab, you need to click a field in the top section before the corresponding information will show in the bottom section. Is that working?
So I was, maybe not clearly , but trying to tell you that No, it was not working. Both directly viewing the certificate from the address bar, as well as when I view other certificates in the certificates section of my preferences section, it will not show any details of the certificate when clicking below. Ive shown that in the screenshots Ive included above. I apologize if Im misunderstanding. As far as getting " does not supply ownership" I also will get this in some certificates in some of my cert's within my keychain.
Perhaps I m not understanding about EVVSL Certificate. To my understanding I thought Firefox, and I know this is different, but Im guess Im thinking along the same vain, I thought Firefox stopped accepting things like SHA1 Certificates, which also as I showed in my previous screenshots, many of my Certificates also seem to be. Would EVVSL work the same? Should Firefox not accept Cert's that are not signed in this way? Or am I totaly wrong in that? LOL.
Again I apologize Im not that well versed in this stuff.
By "unsecure" I think thats fairly obviously a typo. :)
Yes i do have Office, I will use that in future, however its not just the Hotmail lock Im concerned about. That was just used as an example.
It seems my Certificates in my Preferences as well as my Mac Keychain seem to have issues as well.
Hi Tibs22, maybe it's a Windows vs. Mac thing, but I can't see any selection bars (contrasting color) in your screenshot of the Details pane. Could you compare my attached screenshot?
Yes, Did I not sent that screenshoot? Sorry Here is a copy of the General details tab.
Which shows it's an SHA1 which again i thought Mozilla didnt accept anymore? no?
Oh Sorry I think your looking for this.....
Their just not color coded like yours, mine are all in grey. But you can tell which is selected.
So far, I do not see anything troubling about that certificate, and the behavior you described related to mixed content is not unusual.