Links in signature
How can I add a hiperlink / link with my Private Policy and Cookies to my signature?
Please send me an instruction.
Attention! - I don't want to link in create message. I wanto link to the file in my signature.
All Replies (2)
Hello there bar. We have read the message. We try to help you
Create a link in your letter?
In your e-mail?
You can add html signatures amd links to read the text: in thunderbird s e-mail without learning html. And add links.
Please go to this internet sites from groovy Post. Com
Google type : How to create html signatures in thunderbird without learning html.
The other way is to use html code. To insert A html link in the code. <a href=“a link goes in here”>
Greetings firefoxvolunteer.
Please read: https://support.mozilla.org/kb/signatures This should help you with signatures.
Cheers! ...Roland