Friefox 115.20.0esr WIN7 vs Ubuntu
OK seems mozilla will continue support for firefox 115.20.0esr on my WIN7 machine, but not my 115.20.0esr on my Ubuntu 24.04lts machine after next month - why? (128esr and 135 are both unstable on my laptop's Ubuntu 24.04.2lts for some reason - constantly crashes, freezes up req. cold boot, or just logs me out - pain in the... even after upgrading 2Gb RAM to 4Gb)
OK seems I can upgrade (don't know why they keep calling it 'update') my Ubunut 24.04lts machine's firefox 115.20.0esr to firefox 128.3.0esr, but not on my WIN7 machine -why?
i.e. why does firefox give preferential treatment to WIN7 for 115esr, and preferential treatment to LINUX for 128esr ... why not both OS's on both "esr's"
...makes me go: hmmmmmm ;-\
All Replies (3)
Firefox 115.21.0esr in March is the last planned update for the old Firefox 115 ESR channel unless Mozilla decides before then to extend updates support again. Though it may only be for another some six months as the last update extension was only for about six months.
Mozilla decided to extend Firefox 115 ESR updates for the Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and macOS 10.12, 10.13, 10.14 OS users in mind as it was originally going to end at Fx 115.15.0esr. https://whattrainisitnow.com/release/?version=esr https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-users-windows-7-8-and-81-moving-extended-support
For Windows 10/11, macOS 10.15+ and Linux users Mozilla are supporting with current Releases and current 128 ESR.
Firefox 116.0 and later including the Firefox 128.7.0esr and 135.0 Release requires Windows 10, 11 to run is why. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/116.0/system-requirements/
If Ubuntu has decided to not continue with Firefox 115 ESR package updates past Fx 115.20.0esr then that is their decision.
Other web browsers that are Chrome/Chromium based already dropped the eol Windows 7, 8, 8.1 back in Jan/Feb 2023.
Funny how my Lubuntu 18.04 with a 1.86GHz single processor, only 1Gb RAM, 32bit system, can run firefox 134.0.2 w/o ANY crash/freeze/logout issues... yet my 2GHz Core2, 4Gb RAM, 64bit system stays fried out with anything over version 115 :-O
Hoping the 6.11 kernel coming out next week for my 24.04LTS will help stabilize firefox 135 on it ~ w/o screwing up some other Ubuntu feature :-\
got the new ubuntu 24.04.2 update, with firefox 135.0.1 update, and 135 STILL crashes, locks-up, etc.
noticed the CPU usage with each firefox version - left is maxed out running 135, while right is 115esr running about half the CPU's capacity (core2 duo 2GHz)... what gives? Ubuntu issue or Firefox issue?!?