Open specific entries from a live bookmark
Live bookmarks for a web site displays recent entries. Usually I like to read a subset of those entries by first opening that subset in tabs, and then going through them later.
Currently I have to Repeat the following for each entry I want to display in a tab:
Choose the live book mark Scroll to the entry I want to read Right-click and choose Open in a New Tab
Suggestion: From a live bookmark which shows several recent entries I would like to be able to check-box a subset of them and open them in a tab each.
Operating system
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You can do that if you open the bookmarks in the sidebar (Ctrl+B). Select all the feed items and right-click to open the context menu > Open All in Tabs You need to click to the (far) left of the icon to prevent opening a link. Use Shift + cursor Down to select adjacent entries or Ctrl left-click to select each individually.