when i open my att.net Mail --all the tabs /7tabs show the same tab information
below my bookmarks on the toolbar--I believe to be tabs--I open my att.net Mail and 5 tabs open up with same info--att.net Mail
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Firefox displays the page "Title" as determined by the page coding at any website, even web mail portals. Only so much information can be displayed on each tab, so if the page "Title" is ATT Webmail - Subject of the individual email that is open , all you might see is ATT Webmail .... because you have 7 tabs open and that's all that fits. Fewer tabs and more information would be displayed on each tab, but probably not enough information to identify the contents of a specific tab; however, if you hover the cursor over a tab, you'll see a lot more information about each tab than what shows on the actual tab in a "tooltip" box.