I would like the bookmark (drop version) button to not have text beside it saying "Bookmarks"
I love the new FireFox 4. Looks great. Feels great. Top of the game. Best browser ever.
There are two versions of the bookmark(s) button. The 1st is just a folder/star icon that when pressed, opens up a panel with your bookmarks. I hate that one. Never use it.
The 2nd is similarly a folder/star icon, but functions as a dropdown menu. That version, I love. Problem is, it (the bookmark button itself) ALWAYS has text beside it saying "Bookmarks" -- hogging up my toolbar space. Is there any way to remove said text?
There used to be an add-on that replaced or added a new dropdown bookmark button to the customize menu, but it's not compatible with the latest FF.
I can't help but think there's an easier way than creating/installing a WHOLE addon just to remove some (1 word) of text.
Thanks in advance! Cheers.
EDIT: I would also like to add, that yes, I'm not a noob, and have the "Show: Icons (only)" option enabled within the Customize Toolbar menu -- it STILL shows text for only this (bookmarks dropdown) button.
All Replies (4)
"Bookmarks" appears and replaces the drop-mark arrow when that button is moved to a different location than the default location, from what I have seen on my two PC's. It's not exactly like other toolbar buttons, it appears when the Menu bar is hidden and the orange Firefox is showing. I don't know if a Bug has been filed about the "arrow" going away and the "Bookmarks" appearing, but I think that action is a Bug and it should be fixed.
Sorry, I don't recall ever seeing an extension for older versions of Firefox that showed a bookmarks display like that particular button does; a display like the hidden Menu bar Bookmarks menu item drop-down. Most of the extensions I recall seeing are modifications of the Bookmarks Sidebar view, without the menu items that appear above the Bookmarks Toolbar menu item.
Add code to userChrome.css below the @namespace line.
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ #bookmarks-menu-button .toolbarbutton-text {display:none!important}
- ChromEdit Plus: http://webdesigns.ms11.net/chromeditp.html
Yup, that one did it.
I didn't have a userChrome.css file, so I made one on notepad, and copied/pasted the text you provided. Saved it. Restarted FF... Worked like a charm.
thankyou so much for answering that. I bow to your superior FF skills!
You're welcome