gone from android market
Where is Firefox 14 Beta and why was it removed from the Android Play Store. So far was the only version to work correctly on my tablet...a need to install it again after a wipe.
I'm getting very upset that I have to spend hours on this thing searching for an answer....I'm learning to HATE \Mozilla
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i'd suggest you calm down a little bit - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.mozilla.firefox_beta
I know it's there...in name only...and NOT COMPATIBLE with 2 of my three devices.
IT WAS THERE EARLIER LAST WEEK. This is a simple question and it shouldn't take 2 hours of searching with no answer.
And since I am having to search for them through the Play Store on the devices themselves...It won't appear, as it's Incompatible with that device...thus trying to find out where it went and why. I wouldn't have gone through this if it was just simple there.
I'm sorry you had this experience with Beta. We did remove compatibility with tablets for Beta last Friday until we have the formal tablet UI ready. You can install Nightly on your tablet, but you will need to enable installation of non-market apps in your Android settings in order to do so (it is essentially the same as beta), again I apologize for the confusion and will get this documented today.
I completely understand your frustration, so feel free to vent about this, we are figuring this out for tablets and don't have a perfect solution until we get to version 15 (when we plan to have tablet UI in beta).
Can you tell me which tablet you are using? That would help me.
Regards, Michelle
I believe he has a Asus Transformer TF101 using Android 4.0.3 based on a thread from two weeks ago. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/927772
Sorry for the delay...traveling and thought I should stay away from anything to advanced while I calm down. I do apologize for that.
My frustration is with many things...Yes I have the AUS Transformer TF101, which has been problematic since the beginning and especially sine the 4.0 ICS update. Worst purchase I've ever made. Frustrated with the Android platform...which I'm concluding is a big fail. Frustrated that I can't use Lightning as my PC calendar and task manager of choice...because there is NOTHING that syncs it with my devices (I absolutely NEED a good task manager...Lightning is good but can't use it)
I want to love Firefox for the devices, as it's been my browser of choice for many years, but unfortunately I have had poor luck with it...until the Beta version, which seemed to finally work (and looks infinitely better), so to have it disappear was a final straw that day.
In the future, I know these things happen and should be done....but PLEASE...there needs to be a clear statement of what is happening and why, in an easy to find place on the Mozilla website. Your few minutes would save the rest of us so much aggravation.
Thank you for listening and hope I can get the beta version soon. Back to Opera on my tablet (sigh)...although.....will probably switch to Windows 8 devices when released.
Thanks for letting me know your device, I appreciate your feedback and I'm glad to hear you had a good experience with Beta on your Asus TF101. We will have a released version for your device asap! Until then, you can download Nightly from http://nightly.mozilla.org as I described in a previous post.
As for the documentation, I updated the main article that describes compatible devices with a note about removal of tablet support and I'll continue to make more changes so that this is more clear throughout the docs.
Regards, Michelle
While I have you....
I still have not been able to get Firefox sync to completely work between ANY device. The tablet (TF101) gets about half way through downloading the first sync, then sticks. I only get half my bookmarks in my tablet...I disconnect from FF Sync, start over...the same over and over.
Both Android phones (Both HTC Incredible) get the complete sync down from online (so I get bookmarks, etc), but have never been able to get anything I bookmark in the phone to sync upwards to be used by the PC...(and yes, I've looked in the Mobile Bookmarks sections...can you tell everyone asks me that?)...rarely can I see any open tabs from either phone or the tablet...sketchy at best.
And some feedback....the website for "managing" the account is next to worthless...as I can't view what devices are currently linked, or what information is current. Just resetting sync, changing password and key, and viewing quota (while all useful), is ponly part of what would help. Being able to see which devices are connected in one place, and being able to view the data being sync'd makes it useful (for me anyway).
I've given up trying to get it to work, but thought I'd ask about it again anyway.
ASUS TF101 Tablet HTC Incredible running MIUI HTC Incredible running stock Android 2.3 PC, Windows XP with FF 13
To illustrate,,,this occurred today. I made this attempt to see what would happen...I 'm aware that typing the website in manually would have been faster.
I needed a web bookmark from Phone #1. Although all devices are connected and say they are in sync, I have 0 bookmarks in the "Mobile Bookmarks" folder, not are they anywhere else.
This bookmark was available on the tablet, but the other phone did not have it or several others I tagged this past week.
Opened the bookmark on the tablet and phone. Manually started a sync on phone, tablet and PC, approx every 5 minutes (only took seconds each time). Open tab did not appear from phone, open tab from tablet appeared approx. 37 minutes after I began.
Once I opened the tab from in the PC browser, it clearly shows that the web page is bookmarked. When opening the "Edit this bookmark" dialog from the address bar, it also clearly shows that the bookmarks exists in the "Mobile Bookmarks" folder on the PC. However, when attempting to view that folder through "Show all Bookmarks" Library, the Mobile Bookmarks folder shows empty...nothing in it at all from any device. Clearly there is a data problem afoot.
Approx. 20 minutes later, the open tab from the phone made an appearance, but the tablet one "disappeared"...although that web page was still open in a tab on the tablet. This reversed itself again at the next sync (showing tablet, not showing phone #1) and Phone #2 still hasn't shown up at all.
Nothing from anyone huh?
In the past week....completely wiped both phones, uninstalled and reinstalled FF on the PC, and rooted my tablet, doing a wipe and reinstalling FF.
I've read everything on this site regarding issues with sync data, and my problems continue. Partial data makes it one direction, NO/or partial data goes the other direction between devices.
For the record...they are ALL on the latest released version, no betas or tests. (which is a shame, because I can't use it on my tablet as it always goes haywire, crashes the tablet, etc. It's been an unstable nightmare.
Since I can't get any answers...I am officially giving up. I will be switching to Windows 8 devices across the board when released as Android is a HUGE fail in my experience. I know you're trying at Mozilla...but it just doesn't work and I've spent WAY too much time managing the devices that were SUPPOSED to make life easier and more convenient.
Thank You
Well...don't know if anyone is reading this....
Decided to have one more go..starting a new sync account and seeing what that would do. Interestingly, when disconnecting the PC from FF Sync, I got a message I've never seen before, listing that I have 6 phones, 3 tablets and 3 or 4 PCs all attached to my sync account. Obviously my devices have been doubled up and counted twice or more. I'm, guessing this would account for some of my troubles.
This however reiterates what I've stated before. Having a Sync account REQUIRES a way for the user to access the information,(devices connected, data, successful sync logs, etc). If there had been a way for me to look the account up, I might have solved my issues WEEKS or MONTHS ago. NOT giving me access or clear information regarding my sync account is very Apple/iPhone (Big Brother) of you Mozilla. and not what I've come to expect.