With FacePAD gone, How can I download pictures from a Facebook Group?
I know how to download individual pictures from the group I have joined. Is there any convenient way to download a number of pictures at a time into a directory on my hard drive? Mostly I use Firefox but can happily use any other.
All Replies (4)
Drag and drop is pretty fast. You could get the pictures that way.
Drag and drop is generally an unsatisfactory technique for methodical collection of images. This group seems to have had a couple of hundred images. My plan had been to download most or all, view them, and collect and then cull them for a review of the group's trip. I have many or my own and would have compared mine with theirs. With dragging and dropping, I kept getting some out of order and I lost a surprising number. Systematic collection is needlessly difficult. Surely there is a simple script or macro or batch file that can do this. Photograbber, fbdownloader and photoselector are among those that claim to do this.
There are some image downloaders on the Add-ons site.
I'm the original creator of FacePAD for firefox, under my old moniker, lazyrussian. Before FacePAD shutdown, Facebook allowed me to operate the app under the name PhotoJacker. After a few weeks of operating under that name, they made me shut down for breaking their terms of service.
Anyway, about 7 months ago, I made a new version of the app under the name PhotoJacker. This version wont get shutdown, as it doesn't scrape Facebook. It downloads images via Facebook's API, e.g., the legal way.
I usually charge $0.99 for the app, but it's free until the end of May. You can download it here: http://download.photojacker.com
If you have any questions, feel free to tweet me @ArtSabintsev, or to contact me via the envelope icon on my personal site, www.sabintsev.com.
Good luck