Proxey server is refusing connection
I am running windows 8.1 on my lap top. I seem to have to alternate by changing my connection settings to open Firefox. After a session on the pc I can log back in with no problems. Shut down and go to log in again a few minutes later and I get the error message PROXEY SERVER IS REFUSING CONNECTION.
I have spoken to my provider and they tell e I do not have to have or should not need a proxry connection?. They also told me to try the following, which I have to admit is the only way I am now connecting to the internet.
Go to Tools-Advance-Connections. (configure how Firefox connects to the internet. SETTINGS.
In the window that opens I need to go to first option (configure proxies to connect to the internet) Here you are given three more options: 1.No Proxy 2.Autodetect Proxy 3Manual Proxy
If the box is checked for (2) above, I have to uncheck and check (3) above. Then restart the browser. It works fine....that is until I log out of Firefox. Go back in and I get the same error message, Proxy server refusing connection. This happens from time to time....not always. Some days it works fine on the last setting chosen. So I go through everything again as explained above and uncheck manual andthen I re check Autodetect....and it works. Next time it's the other way around, I just feel like a tennis ball bouncing from one option to the other and I should not have to be doing this. Never happened when I used XP or Vista?.
I have Mamaware cleaning installed and use Defender (which came with Windows 8). I have upgraded to 8.1 but the problem existed when I was running 8.
All Replies (3)
Please turn off proxy server completely ( Option 1 ). Proxies are very rarely used in a home environment.
Hope this helps!
Thank you for that. I have selected the 1st oiption as you suggest "turn off proxy server". Now I'm going to log out of Firefox and then try to log back in later. If it works (I hope so) then a thousand thanks to you. If it does not, I'll get back somehow and let you know.
Many thanks you've been most helpful. Cheerz
Normally the default "Use the system proxy settings" should be selected and not Auto-detect.
If you do not need to use a proxy to connect to internet then try to select "No Proxy" if "Use the system proxy settings" or one of the others do not work properly.
See "Firefox connection settings":