Enable auto-fill on your Android devices

Firefox Lockwise Firefox Lockwise 最終更新日時: 36% のユーザーがこの記事が役立だったと投票しています
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Effective December 13, 2021, Mozilla has ended support for the Firefox Lockwise app on Android and iOS. To continue to access and use your password management, see End of support for Firefox Lockwise.

Enabling auto-fill will allow Firefox Lockwise to enter your login credentials across all your apps so that you don’t have to keep manually entering them.

To enable auto-fill:

  1. Tap the Firefox Lockwise menu.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Toggle the Autofill control to turn it on.
  4. Tap the Lockwise radio button in the AUTOFILL SERVICE menu.


Illustration of hands


