Markup cheat sheet

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この記事はまだ翻訳されていません。すでに SUMO のローカライズ方法を知っている場合は、この記事を翻訳してください。SUMO の記事を翻訳する方法を学びたい場合は、記事翻訳の手引きをご覧ください

Commonly used markup

This is a list of the most commonly used wiki markup in support articles. For more complete documentation, see:

Description What it looks like Wiki Syntax
Bold text bold '''bold'''
Italic text italic ''italic''
Link to another article Name of article [[Name of article]]
Link specific text to another article click here [[Name of article|click here]]
Link to another site []
Link specific text to another site Mozilla [ Mozilla]
Numbered list
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
# Item 1
# Item 2
# Item 3
Unordered list
  • Item A
  • Item B
  • Item C
* Item A
* Item B
* Item C
Unordered sub-list within a numbered list
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
    • Item 2a
    • Item 2b
  3. Item 3
#Item 1
#Item 2
#* Item 2a
#*Item 2b
#Item 3
Table of Contents Table of Contents
(list of article headings)
Indicates a level 1 heading

Level 1

= Level 1 =
Indicates a level 2 heading

Level 2

== Level 2 ==
Image Name of image [[Image:Name of image]]
Image resized Image with a width of 300px [[Image:Name of image|width=300]]
Image as part of an ordered list step (indented properly)
  1. Click the disconnect button
#Click the disconnect button
#;[[Image:Name of image]]
Note: Text
{note}'''Note:''' Text{/note}
Warning: Text
{warning}'''Warning:''' Text{/warning}
Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + T {key Ctrl+T}
Button Button {button Button}
Menu item Settings {menu Settings}
Collapsible sections

H2 or H3 heading



==H2 or H3 heading==

Complete Localization Guidelines

To see more guidelines to localize support articles, click here.

Complete Knowledge Base Guidelines

To see more guidelines on Knowledge Base contribution, click here.




Illustration of hands


