Color spinning spokes in the middle of school work videos. Need to turn off!!!
Watching a online videos of math lectures with equations.
Get a very annoying object in the middle of videos. The object looks like the spokes of a spinning wheel. The spokes change color as the spokes change rotational position.
I need to turn this off as it distracts from what I'm watching and trying to learn.
Checked with author of videos. The object , I am told, is not present in the videos using other browsers.
The problem seems to be with Firefox.
Turned off all Firefox add-ins. Problem still exists.
Using 29.0.1.
How to turn off?
All Replies (1)
Does the video pause when the wheel comes up? Your internet is not fast
enough for the video. You may have slow service or something about your
provider. Call your provider and have them test the service. Are there other
programs transferring files? When is the last time you ran your virus and
anti-mall-ware programs? Have you tuned up the computer?
I find it better to download the clip, and watch it later.