Analog of userchrome.css for Android?
I wish to have a more control over main menu of FF for Android. Now i have two more rows in that menu from two addons. And there is a vertical scrollbar. It will be nice if main menu can be fixed by vertical size so all rows to be visible. I have space on screen of my device so this is not the problem. Can i tweak somehow main menu vertical size or hide rows i can't use (for example - "help" or "new private tab")?
All Replies (4)
hello azot, this won't be possible since for performance reasons firefox on android doesn't use XUL in order to render the user interface like it is happening on desktop browsers: http://starkravingfinkle.org/blog/2011/11/firefox-for-android-native-android-ui/
Ok i understand that. From where to search help with the problem (picture attached). Report bug to Mozilla or trying to contact addon developers? Regards
We cap the menu length at around 80% of the screen size. We still want some space around the menu so that it is simple to tap into the address bar or about:home. Users of apps are often distracted and fingers are imprecise so the spacing around elements is more generous than desktop apps.
Thank you both for your answers. It would be very nice if there was a way to hide some items from main menu. Is this achievable trough addons? Because if it possible maybe someone will make an addon for hiding menuitems.