TB does not recognize password for my second account. Fix?
Got a new computer several months ago. Thunderbird installed on the computer, and the email I used works well - maybe because ut was created in Comcast. The second email - terry@toteyourself.com - was created in Thunderbird. I cannot get thhis account to work and unfortunately it's for my business. I looked through all your online info, checked the stored passwords, server settings etc. Also created a Master Password. When I try to SEND email from terry@toteyourself.com is asks for a password, which I tried putting the Maste Password, and the old password. Won't take either one. Says "Login failed. smtp.comcast.net". It won't receive email either. I get a message that the inbox is full which it not.
Should I just delete the account and set it up again? Can I use this same email address terry@toteyourself.com? It is connected to my website...Thanks, Terry
All Replies (3)
What are the correct server settings for your toteyourself.com account (for both, incoming and outgoing server) you received from your email provider?
Can you post your Troubleshooting Information? Help (Alt-H) - Troubleshooting Information Copy the information and paste it into your reply.
My email provider is Comcast but the account having trouble was set up within Thunderbird, not Comcast. This is what I found for this account: Server settings smtp.comcast.net, PORT 995 user terry@toteyourself.com connection secutiry SSL\TLS Authentication method - normal password
Outgoing server - terry@toteyourself.com-smtp.comcast.net, PORT 465 user terry@toteyourself.com authentication method - normal password connection security SSL/TLS This account does not recognize either the old password or the new Master Password I set up today.
Your email provider is not copmcast, that is your ISP. You apparently have a comcast account that you access using their web mail. Not really relevant here as we are talking about accounts in mail clients, not browsers.
The settings you have posted are to access your comcast mail account in Thunderbird, something Thunderbird is designed to do. Manage multiple mail accounts.
You indicate that the domain is toteyourself.com this domain is registered with godaddy and I assume uses standard godaddy domain mail settings.
Which are listed on the godaddy site as https://support.godaddy.com/help/article/4714/setting-up-your-email-address-with-imap?countrysite=au
Your full email address
Your email account password
Incoming Mail Server
Outgoing Mail Server
Incoming Port
Without SSL - 143 With SSL - 993
Outgoing Port
Without SSL - one of the following: 25, 80, 3535 With SSL - 465
Teresa Schlosser is registered as the technical contact for the domain, perhaps you might need to communicate with her. Although the registered address appears to be a residential area, so perhaps that is you.