Firefox crashes
When I click on a link in Firefox email, I (now) got an error and cannot access to the content of the link. The below mentioned text is danish, so I will translate it as good as possible and really hope, that you can help me, it is really disturbing and irritating. Kindest regards / Peer Albeck - Denmark
when I click on almost every link the following happens....:
Din forbindelse er ikke sikker (no sure connection)
(the owner of the link has not configured his web site correct.... to avoid that your information not to be stolen, Firefox has not connected to the web site... etc...) Ejeren af elink.clickdimensions.com har ikke konfigureret sit websted korrekt. For at undgå at dine informationer bliver stjålet, har Firefox ikke oprettet forbindelse til webstedet.
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Indberet automatisk fejl som denne for at hjælpe Mozilla med at identificere og blokere ondsindede websteder.
elink.clickdimensions.com bruger et ugyldigt sikkerhedscertifikat.
Certifikatet gælder kun til følgende navne:
*.messagegears.net, messagegears.net
All Replies (1)
peealb said
Din forbindelse er ikke sikker (no sure connection)
That's really; Your connection is not secure
There is security software like Avast, Kaspersky, BitDefender and ESET that intercept secure connections and send their own certificate.