How to reply email with English quote text?
When I want to reply/forward a message, Thunderbird generates the quote text in my language. There is currently no options to use English quote text regardless of what UI language I am using, which is not convenient enough especially when people are sending international emails.
All Replies (6)
Well, TB does not do that. Providing a built-in translate facility for all major languages is beyond the scope of email clients. However, there is an addon that has a translate capability, designed for web site access, but you may be able to work with it to achieve what you want.
david 说
Well, TB does not do that. Providing a built-in translate facility for all major languages is beyond the scope of email clients. However, there is an addon that has a translate capability, designed for web site access, but you may be able to work with it to achieve what you want.
Your reply seems to answer the question in an opposite way. It has nothing to do with translation. Thunderbird already provides the auto-generated quote text in localized language. (i.e. the string "at what time somebody wrote:"). I want it in English. Not for all major languages.
An example: Suppose Alice sends me an email with content "blah" and I'm writing an reply email. When click the reply button, I wish Thunderbird auto-generates something like this:
At July 6th, Alice wrote: blah
But since I'm not an English user, Thunderbird actually write something like this if I am a French user: Le 6 juillet, Alice a écrit : blah
Or something like this if I am a Germen user: Am 6. Juli schrieb Alice: blah
But since Alice only uses English, and although my UI language is French/German/whatever, I am also able to write English. So I am writing an English reply but Thunderbird automatically generates a quote text like above in my language instead of English.
It has nothing to do with translation.
Do I make myself clear now? Other mail apps like Tencent Mail offers this feature: always uses English when reply/forward a email.
I do understand; I'm just saying TB doesn't have that capability.
david 说
I do understand; I'm just saying TB doesn't have that capability.
Although it does not have this feature for now, it should be easy to be implemented: If an option is true, output the localized version of the text; otherwise, output a string literal (in English).
Besides, this is not beyond the scope of email clients, right?
Have you tried installing the English British language pack? Info on Language Packs.
Give this a read to see if this may offer you a way of getting around the situation. It's not exactly what you want, but it should offer a way of starting Thunderbird in an English version, so solving the problem when you need to do all the English correspondence. The info also mentions you can set a specific profile to run in English British.
You could create a new profile with name British to help identify it - then exit Thunderbird, access profiles and copy everything from original profile into the new profile overwriting all files (or delete them first before copy pasting). This would offer two identical profiles. But you set up the 'British' profile to run using the English British language pack.
This link which offers a download for various Language Packs you would need to scroll down to locate the English British one. https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/language-tools/