History, cache & form history delete without Macromedia& Adobe asset cache folder cleanup (sol files), can I switch on/off this new feature?
I installed new version 24 of Firefox. It has a good feature to cleanup Macromedia folder content (sol files) and Adobe AssetCache when delete cookies/cache etc. Because YouTube and other video portal I would like to clean sol files rarely as I used to.
How can I stop cleanup Macromedia and Adobe\AssetCache folder when I delete cookies, cache?
All Replies (3)
Oh, sorry, the Flash-player AssetCache is permanently kept, the firefox doesn't clean up its content, only the *.sol files are problematic (deleted with cookies checkbox).
This actually started in Firefox 4 and both of the following methods will clear both HTML cookies and Local Storage Objects (*.sol):
- History > Clear Recent History
- orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Privacy > "Clear history when Firefox closes"
If you want cookies to expire between session without removing LSOs, you could set your cookie lifetime to "Keep until: I close Firefox" on the Privacy tab. Although someone is working on clearing the LSOs at the end of the session when the user has that setting, it has not been implemented yet.
>If you want cookies to expire between session without removing LSOs, you could set your cookie lifetime to "Keep until: I close Firefox" on the Privacy tab.
Thank you, I exactly wanted to do this: delete cookies, only cookies and cache when I close Firefox, only the history is importante for me. I will set up so until someone finish the workout around set LSO clear on/off with a checkbox or radiobutton etc.