How do I undo the changes to Firefox's appearance?
When I started up Firefox today, it suddenly switched to a hideous Windows 7-style look, and I can't figure out what I did to cause it or how I can make it go away! Searching online, I came across a "classic" ad-on, but it doesn't reflect the look and feel I spent months customizing for myself, and I don't want to spend all that time painstakingly recreating a look that I had down 100% yesterday.
Is there any one-click solution to roll back this hideous new appearance? Everything about it is bad for me -- it's just botched from one end to the other, all the horrible mistakes other browsers have made blindly shoved in my face without even a by-your-leave.
Seriously, DO NOT CHANGE MY BROWSER LAYOUT WITHOUT ASKING. This is the way I do most of my work; I spend the majority of my time interacting with the world through a browser, and changing it on me feels like a slap in the face from a company whose judgment I had (wrongly, apparently) grown to trust. I don't care what worthless hothouse experiments say about this trainwreck of a new layout -- I don't like it and don't want to have to grapple with it, and I certainly don't want to have to wrestle with complicated settings for a plugin just to get back to where I ALREADY WAS just yesterday.
Tell me what button I can push to make this nightmare end? Please? It's loathsome and hideous and it saddens me to realize that people wasted their time on such a mess.