The function: "Automatically for files like this from now on" Isn't Working!
For torrent and RAR files I choosed "Do this automatically for files like this from now on", so it can auto open my Utorrent or RAR when i try to download. But still that appearing the option "Automatically for files like this from now on" which is already checked!
I want to open automatically both of them: torrent and RAR files. These are the frequently files I download every month. I always found this annoying but never tried to fix it or try to solve the problem with help. So I did now, and I haven't found nothing related to this.
PLEASE, this gets really annoying if you are in a website that you are downloading lot of files, either if it is a RAR or torrent file.
That is an error that I've seen for so long, I thought someone would notice that and Mozilla Team would fix it in new versions, but no, still in the latest one.
Please, help me out! Help us out! Because there might be people with the same thought as I. "Why is this keep opening if it is checked?" (** THIS WHAT KEEP OPENING: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/V24EenF.png/IMG )
Sorry If I wrote something wrong. English isn't my native language.
All Replies (1)
Regardless of your download preferences, web servers can trigger a download prompt by sending either the Content-Type: application/octet-stream or the Content-Disposition: attachment header. You can check if that's the case by examining the server response headers in the Web Console.
The workarounds are the Force Content-Type and InlineDisposition add-ons, respectively.
InlineDisposition should fix the problem on the site in your screenshot. It might also work for the torrents, but I can't say without a link to one.
brqno wrote:
That is an error that I've seen for so long, I thought someone would notice that and Mozilla Team would fix it in new versions, but no, still in the latest one.
This isn't "fixed" because technically nothing is broken. Firefox is behaving as the web server instructs. The debate over Content-Disposition: attachment has gone on for years in Bug 453455; I wouldn't expect anything to change in the near future.