Asian Language Input Method Inactive in Webpage Text Fields After Navigation via Bookmarks or Copy/Paste in Firefox 135.0.1
Description: In Firefox version 135.0.1, when navigating to a website by clicking a bookmark or by pasting a URL (without first activating an Asian language input method… (read more)
In Firefox version 135.0.1, when navigating to a website by clicking a bookmark or by pasting a URL (without first activating an Asian language input method in the address bar), Asian language input methods are inactive within webpage text fields. Only English characters can be entered. Switching languages or input methods has no effect.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Open Firefox 135.0.1.
- Navigate to a website by clicking a bookmark or by pasting a URL into the address bar (do not activate an Asian language input method in the address bar before navigating).
- Click on a text field within the webpage.
- Attempt to activate an Asian language input method.
Expected Result: The Asian language input method should activate, allowing the user to enter characters in the selected language.
Actual Result: The Asian language input method remains inactive. Only English characters can be entered.
Workaround: Clicking on the address bar and activating an Asian language input method there enables the input method to function correctly in webpage text fields afterward. This workaround persists for all webpages within the same Firefox window. Alternatively, if the user first types an URL into the address bar, while using an asian language input method, the problem does not occur.
Environment: Browser: Firefox 135.0.1 Operating System: Windows 11 Input Methods: Microsoft Chinese Input and Microsoft Japanese Input (both exhibit the same issue) Websites: Google, Bing, Yahoo and other websites.
Additional Information: This issue does not occur in Microsoft Edge.