Add a website shortcut to your home screen on Android

Firefox for Android Firefox for Android 생성됨: 12%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.

Adding website shortcuts to your device's homescreen can provide quick access to your favorite websites. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to add a website shortcut to your homescreen using Firefox for Android.

  1. Launch Firefox on your Android device.
  2. Visit the website you want to create a shortcut for.
  3. Once the website loads, open the Firefox for Android menu.
  4. Tap Add to Home Screen
  5. A dialog box will appear, displaying a suggested name for the shortcut. You can change the name of the shortcut from this panel.
  6. Tap Add in the bottom right corner.

The shortcut will now appear in your home screen.

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