Bulk edit in Pocket on your computer

Pocket Pocket 최종 변경일: 4주, 1일 ago 100%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
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Bulk Edit helps you perform actions on groups of saved items at once. These actions include tag, favorite, archive and delete.

How to use bulk edit

Bulk Editing in Pocket 1
  1. Click the Bulk Edit button in the top-right toolbar (pencil icon).
  2. Select the items you wish to edit by clicking them. When selected, the item will highlight in teal. Alternatively, you can hold the Shift key to select a group of items.
  3. Once you’ve made your selection, click the action in the top toolbar that you wish to perform: Add a Tag, Favorite, Archive or Delete. If you’re in the Archive, the + button will show instead, letting you re-add the selected items to your Saves.

To leave bulk edit mode after making any changes, click Done.

Common qestions

Can I select all items in my Saves or Archive?

Due to technical limitations, a select all button is not available. To select a group of items at once, you can use the Shift key on your keyboard to select a group of items at once.

Changing your display option to view your items in the compact list view will make it even easier to see and select many items quickly. Click the profile button and select View items as a list to change this option.

Bulk Editing in Pocket 2

Click your profile photo to change between grid and list view.

Can I use bulk edit to remove tags?

It is only possible to add tags to a group of items at once. If you would no longer like to use a particular tag, you can delete the tag from your account, and it will be removed from all items. Learn about Tag in Pocket on your computer.

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