Creating a Newsgroup Account

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Thunderbird can be used to read messages from and write messages to Usenet newsgroups. (These newsgroups are different from general discussion forums or email distribution lists because they transmit messages via the NNTP protocol. For more information, see Wikipedia.)

To configure Thunderbird as your newsgroup reader:

  1. Press Alt to display the menu bar, then selectSelect File > New > Other Accounts....
  2. Select Newsgroup Account and click NextContinue.
  3. Enter your name and email account. When you send a message to a newsgroup, these values will be used to identify the source of the message. Click NextContinue.
  4. Enter the address of the newsgroup server that you are subscribing to, for example and click NextContinue.
  5. Enter a name for the account and click NextContinue.
  6. You will be presented with a summary screen. Verify that all the information you entered is correct and click FinishDone, or click Back to edit the incorrect information.

Once you have configured a newsgroup server, right-click the account name in the folder pane and select Subscribe... to specify the groups that you want to join.

To modify other account settings, right-click the account name in the folder pane and select Settings. You can customize various settings, such as the frequency and amount of downloaded messages, composition options, etc.

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