Customize Firefox using policies.json

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This article is intended for IT administrators who wish to set up Firefox on the computers within their organization.

Policy support can be implemented using a JSON file called policies.json. Unlike controlling Firefox with using Group Policy, the policies.json is cross-platform compatible, making it preferred method for enterprise environments that have workstations running various operating systems.

To implement this policy support, a policies.json file needs to be created. On Windows, create a directory called distribution where the EXE is located and place the file there. On Mac, the file goes into On Linux, the file goes into firefox/distribution, where firefox is the installation directory for Firefox, which varies by distribution - or you can specify system-wide policy by placing the file in /etc/firefox/policies.

The policies.json file looks like this:

 "policies": {
   "BlockAboutConfig": true

In this example, we are setting the BlockAboutConfig policy to true, which means that the user will not have access to the about:config page.

The latest information about our policies is available at or on the about:policies#documentation page in Firefox.

NOTE: The above method will not work if Firefox is already being managed using Group Policy.

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