Deceased or incapacitated account management FAQ

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Mozilla honors the privacy expectations of its users even when the user becomes incapacitated or passes away. We hope that the information outlined here will help make a difficult time a little easier.

Can I access a deceased or incapacitated user’s account?

If you have access to the username and password for the account, you can access the account directly.

If you don't have access to the username and password for the account but you do have access to the registered email address, you can gain access to the account by resetting the password.

What if I don’t have the account information?

If you don't have access to the username and password or the registered email address, you'll need to provide the appropriate legal documentation to us showing that you have authorization to act on the user’s behalf.

Appropriate documentation includes:

  • A copy of a document appointing the requesting party as the personal representative or executor of the estate of the deceased or incapacitated individual
  • A copy of the death certificate of the account holder if applicable
  • An authorized power of attorney

You can share this information with Mozilla by emailing along with the action you're requesting us to take. We may take steps to verify the authenticity of the documentation for security purposes.

What if the account has a paid subscription?

If an account has a paid subscription, we're happy to cancel it so that there aren't any further charges to the account. This won't cause the account to be deleted from our systems. The account will remain open in a free capacity until it's deleted using one of the options noted above.

How long do you keep a deceased or incapacitated user’s account data?

We keep account data for as long as the account is open unless a personal representative or executor of the estate of the deceased or incapacitated user decides to delete the account.

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