Download the Beta and Nightly versions of Firefox Focus for Android

Firefox Focus Firefox Focus 생성됨: 32%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
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You can download the Beta and Nightly versions of Firefox Focus for Android to your mobile device.

Once you've downloaded the apps and begin testing, you can report any issues you encounter.

Download Firefox Focus for Android Beta

Download Firefox Focus Beta to experience new functionality and bug fixes prior to these being released to production. This version is most suitable for testers.

To download Firefox Focus Beta:

  1. Join this Google Group with the same Google account you use on your device to download apps from the Google Play Store.
  2. After you’ve joined the Google Group, opt in to receive Beta builds with the same Google account.
  3. Download Firefox Focus (Beta) from Google Play.

Download Firefox Focus for Android Nightly

Download Firefox Focus Nightly to experience and test daily updates to the app. This version is most suitable for developers and testers.

The Nightly version allows you to experience the newest Focus innovations in an unstable environment and provide feedback on features and performance to help determine what makes the final release.

The Nightly version of Focus:

  • Updates every 24 hours
  • Contains the latest development state
  • Can be unstable and contain incomplete or defect features

To download Firefox Focus Nightly:

  1. Join this Google Group with the same Google account you use on your device to download apps from the Google Play Store.
  2. After you have joined the group, opt in to receive Nightly builds with the same Google account.
  3. Download Firefox Focus (Nightly) from Google Play.

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