Enabling the Pocket Share extension in iOS

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The Pocket share extension in iOS makes it easy to save to Pocket from any app that uses the native share menu. Once Pocket has been enabled, saving to Pocket is quick and easy.

Pocket Share Extension 1

Enabling the Pocket Share extension on iOS

The Pocket Share Extension on iOS is easy to enable, and only takes a minute. Here’s how:

  1. Open Safari on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
  2. Tap the Share button.
  3. Swipe the row with the app icons all the way to the right, and tap More.
    Pocket Share Extension 2
  4. Tap Edit.
  5. Find Pocket, and add it to your favorites list by tapping the + button.
  6. (Optional) Tap and hold the Pocket icon to Move it to the top of the list.
  7. Tap Done.

That’s it! Now, when you want to save a link to Pocket from most apps, just tap the share button and then select Pocket.

Enabling the Pocket Share Extension on older iOS versions

The Pocket Share Extension is easy to enable on devices running older iOS versions, and only takes a minute. Here’s how:

  1. Open Safari on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
  2. Tap the Share button.
  3. Swipe the top row (with the colored icons) and tap More.
  4. Enable Pocket.
  5. (Optional) Move Pocket to the top of the list
  6. Tap Done
    Pocket Share Extension 3

Save content using the Pocket share icon

After enabling it, Pocket will appear in the Share menu of many apps. Here's how you can use it to save a page to Pocket when you find one you want to keep:

  1. Tap the Share button in the app your using.
  2. Tap the Pocket icon from the options available.
    Pocket Share Extension 4

Click here to learn more about saving to Pocket on iPhone.

Common Questions

I've updated to iOS 16 and can't find Pocket in the share menu. How can I bring the Pocket button back?

This is an iOS issue that can cause some apps to not appear in the Share Menu. To resolve this, you can turn your phone or tablet off and back on again to bring the Pocket button (along with any other missing apps) back to the share menu.

I’m seeing a “Please log into Pocket” message when I try to save. What should I do?

If you see this message when using the Pocket Share icon, please launch the Pocket app on your device and try again to save. If you continue to see this “Please log into Pocket” message, we recommend logging out of your Pocket app and then log back in again. This will ensure that the app and extension are communicating correctly.

I don't see Pocket after tapping the More button. What am I doing wrong?

Make sure you're tapping More in the top row, with the colored icons. The bottom row with the monochrome icons are for a different type of extension.

Why do I see a message that says "No URL found"?

When saving to Pocket with the share icon, please make sure that you are trying to save a webpage or article. If you are in a reading/news app and continue to see this message, this suggests that the app isn't passing Pocket the correct information. Please contact Pocket Support and let us know what app you're having trouble with, and we'll be glad to reach out to the app developer to help get it fixed.

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