Firefox for Enterprise 90 - Release notes

Firefox for Enterprise Firefox for Enterprise 최종 변경일:
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Except where noted, everything here applies to both Firefox 90 and the Firefox 78.12 ESR.


  • On Windows, the version number was removed from DisplayName in the Uninstall data for Firefox in the registry. See bug 1713393 for more details.

Bug fixes

  • It was possible to remove a locked extension. This was fixed in bug 1658768.
  • When setting the OfferToSaveLogins policy to false, some items in preferences were still clickable. This was fixed in bug 1692159. This was not a problem in the ESR.
  • If the DisableAppUpdate policy was set to true, typing "update firefox" in the URL bar still offered to update Firefox. This was fixed in bug 1710796.


  • The BackgroundAppUpdate policy has been added. This allows you to control background updates. This does not apply to the ESR.

Special Notes

  • The Firefox 78 ESR is the last version of Firefox that supports Flash. The last version of that ESR will be 78.15 which is scheduled to be released on 2021-10-05. This means that Flash will officially be out of support on Firefox when the Firefox 78 ESR reaches EOL on 2021-11-02.

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