Quickly access previously generated masks

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay 최종 변경일:
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Relay allows you to reuse the masks you have created to register or log in to other websites. This can be especially helpful for free users, who have limited masks. This article will show you how to access these masks.

Note: To see the icon or the pop-up menu when right-clicking on an email field, you need to install the Relay extension for Firefox or Relay for Google Chrome. See How to disable the Firefox Relay autofill icon on online fields and websites to learn more.

Use an existing mask to log in or register on a website

As long as you have the Show Relay icon option toggled on under settings, the Relay icon will appear in the email field when you visit a website. Click it to see a list of recently used masks:

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If the Relay icon doesn't show up:

  1. Right-click on the email field and hover over Firefox Relay in the menu that appears.
  2. Hover over Recent masks.
  3. Select the mask you want to reuse from the list of recent masks.
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Use the same mask every time you log in to a website

Relay remembers the mask you used to log in to a website, so you don't have to manually enter it every time.

  1. Right-click on the email field.
  2. Hover over Firefox Relay.
  3. Select Use existing mask from this site…
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