Firefox Subprocessor List

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Mozilla uses trusted third-party sub-processors to help us provide the Firefox desktop browser and other Firefox-related services to you (such as Mozilla account). This is the current list of sub-processors who automatically receive the personal data listed below for the general release versions of these products and services. This list may be updated from time to time.

If you use Firefox on mobile, see this article.
Cloud Computing & CDN Services
Subproccessor How it is Used What Data is Shared
Akamai Content Delivery Network (CDN).

Mozilla uses Akamai to deliver pages and other Web content.
IP Address

URL requests
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Subsidiary of that provides a cloud computing platform.

Mozilla uses Amazon for:

  • Linux Hosting
  • Windows Hosting
  • E-mail Services
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
IP Address

URL requests

Email Address
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Cloud computing platform.

Mozilla uses Google for:

  • Linux Hosting
  • Windows Hosting
IP Address

URL requests
Databricks Analytics service.

Mozilla uses Databricks to analyze technical and interaction data received from Firefox (also known as “Telemetry”).
IP Address

Communication Services
Subproccessor How it is Used What Data is Shared
SocketLabs Email service.

Mozilla uses SocketLabs to send marketing and transactional emails.
Email Address
SalesForce Email service.

Mozilla uses SalesForce to send newsletters, marketing, and transactional emails.
Email Address

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