Get started with Monitor Plus

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Monitor Plus is a data breach notification service that warns you when your online accounts have been compromised when a data breach occurs, and automatically removes the exposures of your personal information on the data broker sites that are selling it. We help you fix exposures of your information from two different sources: data brokers and data breaches.

Note: Monitor is part of the Mozilla family along with the free version. Get started with Mozilla Monitor.

Whenever you sign in to a web page, make a payment or subscribe to a site your data is exposed to a data breach while date brokers get your information from publicly available sources. That’s when Monitor Plus comes in handy by removing your information from the data broker’s site and protecting you from any possible exposures, giving you the steps to take to remove your information, making it your ultimate guardian.

What is a data breach?

A data breach happens when personal or private information gets exposed, stolen or copied without permission. These security incidents can result from cyberattacks on websites, apps or any database where people's personal information resides. A data breach can also happen accidentally, like if someone's login credentials get posted publicly.

What is a data broker?

A data broker is an individual or company that specializes in collecting personal information or data about companies or individuals, mostly from public records but sometimes sourced privately, to sell it to others.

How does it work?

Monitor Plus uses the Have I Been Pwned database to find out if your private information has been exposed in a known data breach. It tracks data breaches and tells you if your accounts are at risk, automatically removing the threats while providing guidance on how to proactively protect yourself going forward. It also monitors 190 data brokers that sell your personal information for a profit – like your name, home address, family members names, and more – and automatically removes your personal info from each site.

Key features:

  • First removal email: You will receive an email once your very first data broker removal request is completed to let you know the exposure is fixed. After this first introductory email, you will receive monthly email reports and breach alerts.
  • Monthly scans: Data brokers will often add you back to their sites, even after you remove them. We will keep searching for new profiles to make sure your information stays private.
  • Auto-removal of your personal information: Automated removal of your personal information from data broker sites.
  • Continuous data breach monitoring for 5 emails: When your financial accounts, social security number, or passwords are leaked, we will walk you through the manual steps required to fix them.
  • Breach alerts: We will notify you as soon as there's a new data breach. And we will send you monthly reports to let you know what we fixed, and if there are any actions you need to take.
Note: Firefox Monitor does not know your passwords. It keeps your data anonymous when it transfers breach data to you. Read more about our k-Anonymity technique.

See if your online accounts have been exposed in a data breach

  1. Open your web browser and go to the Mozilla Monitor website at
  2. Sign in to your Mozilla account. If you don't have one, sign up before proceeding.
  3. On the top right side of the screen, click Upgrade to Premium.
  4. Select Upgrade now.
    Upgrade now Monitor Plus
  5. Select a yearly or monthly plan.
    Monthly plan upgrade
  6. Enter your payment method and confirm your subscription.
    Continue to Monitor
  7. On the left side of the screen, select your Dashboard.
    Monitor Dashboard
  8. Select the Get started button.
    select get started

Find your exposures

To find and remove exposures of your information, follow the next steps:

  1. Select the Start my free scan button.
    Start my scan Monitor
  2. Write your details and click Find exposures.
    Monitor Find exposures button
  3. Confirm that your information is correct by clicking the Confirm button.
    Confirm data is correct

Every resolved breach will appear under the Fixed section and on the Action needed page, you will find all the details about the breaches.

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