Getting started with Pocket for iOS

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Pocket makes it easy to discover great content that’s personalized to your interests, and save this content so you can return to it later – on any device, at any time.

Pocket iOS 1

To sign up for Pocket on your iPhone

You can sign up for Pocket with a Firefox, Google, or Apple account.

  1. Open the Pocket app.
  2. Tap on the Sign up button.
  3. Select the account you want to use to sign up. You’ll be redirected to the website of that service to continue the registration process.
  4. Enter your email and choose password for the selected account.
    Pocket iOS 2

To log in to Pocket on your iPhone

You can log in to Pocket with a Mozilla account, Google, Apple or a Pocket account.

  1. Open the Pocket app.
  2. Click Log in.
  3. Select the account you want to use to sign up. You’ll be redirected to the website of that service to continue the login process.
  4. Enter your email and password for the selected account.
    Pocket iOS 3

If you experience any issues while trying to sign in to your Mozilla account or Pocket account, see:

If you forget your Google or Apple account password, you will need to contact Google or Apple support teams for assistance.

Start using Pocket on your iOS device

When you first open Pocket, you will be presented with a few key features in the navigation bar:

Pocket iOS 4
  • Home: This will allow you to quickly browse through popular articles or videos that are currently trending on Pocket.
    • If you come across an article or video that you want to read or watch later, simply tap on the button located in the bottom right corner of every article.
    • Tap the three dots in the bottom right corner to share or report an article.
  • Saves: To access your saved articles, simply tap on Saves in the navigation bar. Here, you will be able to see and manage all of your saved content.
  • Settings: If you want to customize your Pocket experience, you can access the Settings section. Here, you can adjust your account settings, subscribe to premium, and get support if you encounter any issues.

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