How do I block phone calls or texts to my Relay Phone mask?

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With Relay phone masking, you can create a random phone number that forwards calls and texts to your real phone number. This helps keep your privacy and avoid spam. If you still get unwanted calls or texts on your Relay number, you can block them by following these steps:

Note: Blocking a specific number stops both calls and texts from that number.

To block ALL calls and texts

  1. On the Relay Dashboard, click the Phone Masks tab.
    Block phone calls 1
  2. Click the Block phone calls 2 button on the Relay Phone page.

To block a specific number

  1. On the Relay Dashboard, click the Phone Masks tab.
    Block phone calls 1
  2. Click the Callers and text senders link on the top right of the dashboard.
    Block phone calls 3
  3. Locate the number you want to block from the list and click Block next to the desired number.
    Block phone calls 4
  4. Once you block a number, you will no longer receive phone calls or texts from that number on your Relay phone. You can unblock a number at any time by following the same steps and clicking on Unblock.
    Block phone calls 5

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