How do I report an issue with Firefox Relay?

Firefox Relay Firefox Relay 최종 변경일: 16%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
아직 누구도 이 문서의 번역에 참여하지 않았습니다. SUMO 문서 변역에 참여하는 방법에 대해 이미 알고 계시다면, 번역을 시작해 보세요 . SUMO 문서를 번역하는 방법에 대해 알고 싶으시면, 여기서 시작하세요.

Relay lets you create masks to protect your email address from spam and unwanted messages. But sometimes you might encounter problems with your masks, forwarded emails, or the Firefox Relay extension. To help fix these issues as soon as possible, please send us a report with the details. This article will show you how to report issues with Firefox Relay.

Report issues via the Relay Extension

  1. At the top right, click the Firefox Relay icon at the add-on tray.
    Relay report issue A
  2. Click Settings (Relay gear icon) in the panel that opens.
    Relay report issue B
  3. Make sure the data collection authorization switch is turned on.
    Relay report issue C
  4. Select Report Issue.
    Relay report issue D
  5. Enter the URL of the website where the issue occurred.
  6. Select the option that best explains the issue you’re facing.
  7. Click Submit Report.
    Relay report issue E

Report issues via the Relay Dashboard

  1. Head over to
  2. Sign in to your account.
  3. Click your profile picture in the top right.
  4. Click Contact us.
    Relay report issue F
  5. Fill out the form.
  6. Click Send.
    Support form relay

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