How to participate in SUMO contributor meetings

Contributors Contributors 최종 변경일: 71%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
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How do I participate in SUMO contributor meeting?

Join live in Zoom

You can join the meeting live in Zoom. Don't worry, you don't need to have a Zoom account to join. For more information about joining a Zoom meeting, please refer to this article from the Zoom team.

Watch the streaming

You can watch SUMO meeting live streaming from Air Mozilla or YouTube. You should find the streaming link in the wikipage agenda that we usually share prior to the meeting. Once the meeting is over, you can also watch the recording on both Air Mozilla or YouTube with the same link.

Participate from Matrix

The SUMO Matrix room is available for posting links and other information before, during, and after SUMO meetings. See the Matrix MozillaWiki page to learn more about Matrix.

Meeting schedule

This meeting is held monthly on Wednesdays, at 17:00 UTC, usually a week before the regular Firefox train-release. To check the meeting schedule, please refer to this calendar. If you'd like to get a reminder of the upcoming calls, please let Kiki know, so you can be included in the calendar invitation.

Meeting agenda

To learn more about SUMO community meeting and its agenda, please visit the SUMO Meeting MozillaWiki page.

Additional information

  • If there is a statutory holiday or if SUMO staff is unavailable due to a workweek, the meeting may not be held.
  • If you have any questions or comments about the meetings, you may post on the Contributor Forums or on our SUMO Matrix room.

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