How to use collections on

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Collections make it easy to keep track of favorite add-ons and share your perfectly customized browser with others. This article describes how to create, edit, share, and delete a collection on

In order to use collections, you need to register for a Mozilla account or sign in to using your Mozilla account credentials.

Create a collection

  1. Once you are signed in to, click on your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select View My Collections from the popup menu.
    view selections addons
  2. On the next screen, click the button that says Create a Collection to create a collection.
    create collection addon
  3. On the next screen, you can give your collection a name and a description. Note that all collections are public and can be viewed by anyone with a link to the collection. When you are done, click Create collection.
    create collection detail
  4. Type the name of the extension or theme you want to add into the search box and select it from the list.
    search addon collection
  5. Once you select the extension from the list, will automatically save your collection. You can add a note about the extension or theme if you would like, or click the Remove button to remove it from the collection.
    save addon collection

Edit a collection

  1. Once you are signed in to, click on your name in the upper right hand corner of screen and select View My Collections from the popup menu.
  2. Click the collection you'd like to edit.
  3. Click the Edit this Collection.
    edit this collection
  4. You can add or remove extensions and themes. Those changes will be automatically saved.
  5. To edit general information about the collection, click the Edit collection details button. Note: you will need to save changes if you edit general information.
    edit this collection
    edit collection details

Share a collection

Your collection will have a URL that you can share with others.

collection url

Delete a collection

  1. Once you are signed in to, click on your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select View My Collections from the popup menu.
  2. Click Delete this collection on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select confirm. Your collection will then be deleted.

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