I'm having trouble logging into Pocket. Can you help?

Pocket Pocket 최종 변경일: 11%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
아직 누구도 이 문서의 번역에 참여하지 않았습니다. SUMO 문서 변역에 참여하는 방법에 대해 이미 알고 계시다면, 번역을 시작해 보세요 . SUMO 문서를 번역하는 방법에 대해 알고 싶으시면, 여기서 시작하세요.

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it by visiting our password reset page and following these steps:

  1. Visit the Forgot your password? page.
  2. Type your email address in the appropriate text box, and click Submit.
    You may need to confirm that you are not a bot before clicking the Submit button again.
  3. Check your email. You will receive a message from Pocket with a link to reset your password. Click this link, or copy and paste it into your browser.
  4. Enter a new password, then type it again to make sure there were no mistakes. When you click Change Password, the new password will be saved, and you will be logged into your account.

I never set a Pocket password. How can I create one?

If you signed up for Pocket with your Google, Apple or Mozilla account, it's possible that you have not set a Pocket-specific password.

You must set a password in order to log into Pocket with an email address and to log into any applications that do not have Log in with Google, Log in with Apple or Sign in with Mozilla buttons.

To set a Pocket password, just follow the instructions above to reset your password, or see I never set a Pocket password. How can I create one?

I do not have an email address associated with my Pocket account

If you used Pocket in the past, you may find that your account does not have an email address associated with it. We encourage you to attach your email address so you can reset your password if you forget it. If you cannot sign in to your account and suspect that you don’t have an email address attached, we may be able to help. Please follow the instructions in: How can I recover my lost Pocket account?

I see an error code “5107”. What should I do?

If you’re seeing an error code “5107” when you try to log into Pocket, this suggests that we’re having trouble validating the form. This can happen when the page is “stale”, or when there’s an invalid cookie saved. Please try the following solutions to resolve this error:

  1. Refresh your web browser window and try to log in again.
  2. Clear your browser cookies and try again. See Clear cookies and site data in Firefox and this helpful blog post that describes how to clear cookies in popular browsers.
  3. Check your device or computer’s date and time settings to make sure they’re accurate.

If you continue to see this error code, it's possible that another extension that's installed in your browser is interfering with Pocket's login process. The Pocket Support team is happy to help – just contact Pocket Support with your browser info and a list of your browser’s extensions, and we can help narrow down the cause of the error.

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