Install Pocket for Android and Kindle Fire via direct download

Pocket Pocket 최종 변경일: 2주, 4일 ago 75%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
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For most people using an Android device, Google Play is the best place to install the Pocket app. When you install Pocket in the Google Play Store, you’ll receive automatic updates, giving you the most up-to-date experience. Tap here to install Pocket via the Google Play Store.

For devices without Google Play, such as Kindle Fire tablets, or for users who wish to install Pocket outside of the Google Play Store, we provide the latest release as a direct download. Continue reading to learn more about installing Pocket for Android and Kindle Fire via a direct download.

Information about the latest version of Pocket

App Version: 8.16.0
Release Date: May 15, 2024
Warning: Installing Pocket this way will prevent you from receiving automatic updates to future Pocket releases. Please check back periodically here for the latest version, which will update your current install.

How to install Pocket directly on your Android or Kindle Fire device

To install Pocket on your Android, you'll need to download the Pocket APK file. Instructions on how to do this are below. Please note that the process is slightly different depending on which version of Android you use.

Android Versions 5.0 - 7.1 (Kindle Fire OS 5 - 6)

  1. If not already enabled, allow installing from "Unknown sources" via Settings -> Security -> Unknown sources.
  2. Open this page on your Android or Kindle Fire device.
  3. If prompted to update your browser's storage permissions, accept the prompt and tap Allow to do so.
  4. When prompted, tap OK to download.
  5. Tap the completed download notification.
  6. Tap Install. You should now disable the "Unknown sources" option in Settings to ensure the security of your device.

Android Versions 8 - 9 (Kindle Fire OS 7)

  1. Open this page on your Android or Kindle Fire device.
  2. If prompted to update your browser's storage permissions, accept the prompt and tap Allow to do so.
  3. When prompted, tap OK to download.
  4. Tap the completed download notification.
  5. If prompted, update your browser app’s settings to allow installing apps from an unknown source, then tap back to return to the Install option.
  6. Tap Install. You should now disable the Unknown sources option in the browser app’s settings to ensure the security of your device.

Android Versions 10 - 11

  1. Open this page on your Android device.
  2. Tap the completed download notification.
  3. If prompted, update your browser app’s settings to allow installing apps from an unknown source, then tap back to return to the Install option.
  4. Tap Install. You should now disable the Unknown sources option in the browser app’s settings to ensure the security of your device.

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