Instant Messaging and Chat

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Thunderbird supports instant messaging and chat using IRC, XMPP, Twitter, and Google Talk.

Configuring Chat

To use Chat, you must first create a new account (or configure an existing account) with an online instant messaging or chat provider. Thunderbird currently works with IRC, XMPP, Twitter, and Google Talk.

In this example we will show IRC, but the process is very similar for Twitter, Google Talk and XMPP.

Start the New Account Wizard

At the top of the Thunderbird window, click on the File menu, then click New and then click Chat Account…:


Enter Username

For IRC, you will have to enter your IRC server name, e.g. for Mozilla's IRC server.

For XMPP, you will also have to enter your XMPP server name.


Enter Password

Enter the password for the service.


A password is optional for an IRC account and is only required if you have reserved your nickname on the IRC network.

Advanced Options

This is not usually needed, so just click NextContinue.


Finish the Wizard

Next, you will be presented with a Summary screen. Click Finish to finish the wizard and start chatting.


Using Chat

Connect to your Chat Account

First make sure that you are online by going to your Chat Status and connecting:

  • click on the Tools menu and then click on Chat status and then Show Accounts…
  • click on the Connect button next to the account you want to go online with


Use the Chat Tab to start and join conversations

Click on the Chat Tab next to the Write Tab to start and join conversations.


Like any other type of Thunderbird account (e.g. email and RSS), Chat is integrated with search.

Here's an example of email, Twitter and Chat conversations being found by Thunderbird's global search:


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