Keyboard shortcuts in Firefox for iOS

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS 최종 변경일: 66%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
아직 누구도 이 문서의 번역에 참여하지 않았습니다. SUMO 문서 변역에 참여하는 방법에 대해 이미 알고 계시다면, 번역을 시작해 보세요 . SUMO 문서를 번역하는 방법에 대해 알고 싶으시면, 여기서 시작하세요.

Keyboard shortcuts let you perform common tasks without touch the screen or use a mouse.

Note: To use these shortcuts you will need to configure a Bluetooth keyboard or use an adapter to your iOS device.


Command Shortcut
Settings Command


Command Shortcut
New tab Command + T
New private tab Shift + Command + P
Shift + Command + N
Select address bar Command + L
Open link in background Command + tap link
Open link in new tab Shift + Command + tap link
Close tab Command + W
Save page as… Command + S
Download link Option + tap link


Command Shortcut
Select all Command + A
Find in page Command + F
Find again Command + G


Command Shortcut
Reload page Command + R
Zoom in Command + +
Zoom out Command +
Actual size Command + 0


Command Shortcut
Show history Command + Y
Back Command +
Command + [
Forward Command +
Command + ]
Clear recent history Shift + Command + Delete


Command Shortcut
Show bookmarks Shift + Command + O
Add bookmark Command + D


Command Shortcut
Show downloads Command + J


Command Shortcut
Show tab overview Shift + Command + \ (same as Safari)
Show previous tab Shift + Command + [
Show next tab Shift + Command + ]
Show tab number 1 to 9 Command + 1–9

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Illustration of hands

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