Monthly Monitor Report Email

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The monthly Monitor Report email explains how Mozilla Monitor protects your information, without the need to sign into Monitor. This option is automatically enabled after your first month with Monitor Plus.

What does my monthly email report contain?

This report will allow you to know about all the ways Monitor is protecting your information, without the need to sign into Monitor. For Mozilla Monitor free users, you'll get updates on any new breaches that involve your tracked email addresses, see which breaches you’ve already addressed and what steps to take if new data breaches have exposed your information.

To experience all the above and more, you can upgrade to Monitor Plus and, in addition to monthly reports, you can receive monthly email scans that reveal if your personal data is exposed on data broker websites, automatic removals of your information from data broker sites, summaries of all the actions taken to keep your personal data safe, additional security measures and advice tailored to help you proactively.

Monitor Monthly email

How to disable your monthly report

  1. Go to your Settings button Monitor on
  2. Select Set notifications, and under the Monthly Monitor Report section, turn the toggle off.
    • If you’re using Mozilla Monitor, this is what you’ll see.
      Monitor report
    • If you’re using Monitor Plus, this is what you’ll see.
      Monitor Plus report on
  3. All done! You will no longer receive your monthly report email.

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