Password Manager - Remember, delete and change passwords in Thunderbird

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Thunderbird can remember your username and password and store them in the password manager. If you try to access a server for which you don't have a username or password saved, Thunderbird will prompt you to enter it and offer to remember what you've entered.

How to view saved passwords

  1. At the top of the window, click the menu icon Fx89menuButton and then select Settings.
  2. In the Settings tab that opens, type pass in the search field. Thunderbird searches as you type, so the settings shown will change with each new letter typed.
    Preferences Passwords
  3. Then click Saved Passwords…
  • To see the passwords you have saved, click Show Passwords. When you close the window, your passwords will be automatically hidden.
  • Use the search box to find a particular account or username. Click Firefox_Settings Fx101_Clear search icon in the search field to clear your search and see the full list again.

How to delete or edit passwords

Open the password manager (see above).

  • To edit the username and password for a server, right-clickhold down the Ctrl key while you click the server's entry from the list and click Edit Username or Edit Password.


  • To remove the username and password for a server, select the server's entry from the list and click Remove.
  • To remove all stored usernames and passwords, click Remove All. After confirming the choice, all of your stored usernames and passwords will be deleted.

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Illustration of hands

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